CONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT US CONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT USCONTACT US ARCHITECTURE OFFICE LUOMAKUNTAARKKITEHTITOIMISTO LUOMAKUNTAEngelinaukio 1500150 HelsinkiFinlandTel: +358 50 3692840 & +358 40 5026227General Inquiries: info@luomakunta.fiPress Inquiries: press@luomakunta.fiNew Business: newbusiness@luomakunta.fiCareers: ARCHITECTURE OFFICE LUOMAKUNTAARKKITEHTITOIMISTO LUOMAKUNTAEngelinaukio 1500150 HelsinkiFinlandTel: +358 50 3692840 & +358 40 5026227General Inquiries: info@luomakunta.fiPress Inquiries: press@luomakunta.fiNew Business: newbusiness@luomakunta.fiCareers: ARCHITECTURE OFFICE LUOMAKUNTAARKKITEHTITOIMISTO LUOMAKUNTAEngelinaukio 1500150 HelsinkiFinlandTel: +358 50 3692840 & +358 40 5026227General Inquiries: info@luomakunta.fiPress Inquiries: press@luomakunta.fiNew Business: newbusiness@luomakunta.fiCareers: Tatu KorhonenDirector GeneralChairman of the BoardLeading ArchitectTel: +358 50 3692840Email: Tatu Korhonen is an award-winning Finnish Architectand Business Director.He is the Director General and Chairman of the Boardof the Architecture Office Luomakunta already for two decades.Tatu has a vast experience and knowledgeon all areas of architecture, construction, building technology, design, politics and history.You can approach Tatu if you have any questions,challenges, propositions, or if you needany plans or estimations. Tatu KorhonenDirector GeneralChairman of the BoardLeading ArchitectTel: +358 50 3692840Email: Tatu Korhonen is an award-winning Finnish Architectand Business Director.He is the Director General and Chairman of the Boardof the Architecture Office Luomakunta already for two decades.Tatu has a vast experience and knowledgeon all areas of architecture, construction, building technology, design, politics and history.You can approach Tatu if you have any questions,challenges, propositions, or if you needany plans or estimations. Satu JaatinenOperative DirectorMember of the BoardArchitectTel: +358 40 5026227Email: Satu Jaatinen is a Finnish Architect andthe Operative Director of Architecture Office Luomakunta.She has an expansive knowledgeon architecture, urban planning, zoning, commercial buildings, housing and renovations.You can approach Satu if you have any questions,challenges, propositions, or if you needany plans or estimations. Satu JaatinenOperative DirectorMember of the BoardArchitectTel: +358 40 5026227Email: Satu Jaatinen is a Finnish Architect andthe Operative Director of Architecture Office Luomakunta.She has an expansive knowledgeon architecture, urban planning, zoning, commercial buildings, housing and renovations.You can approach Satu if you have any questions, challenges, propositions, or if you need any plans or estimations. Satu JaatinenOperative DirectorMember of the BoardArchitecttel: +358 40 5026227email: If you can’t reach us, please send a message. If you can’t reach us, please send a message. If you can’t reach us, please send a message. Contact Us Name * Email * Message * Captcha SEND This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google